Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Dance Therapist health care providers
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 408 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Dance Therapist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Hochman, Victoria Botvin | BC-DMT | Austin, TX | 1821872037 |
Holden, Grace Anne | R-DMT | Astoria, NY | 1659075356 |
Holeton, Gayle Bean | Leavenworth, WA | 1942855648 |
Holistic Growth Integrative Counseling | Raleigh, NC | 1336751163 |
Holmes, Angela Ilene | L.M.T. | Portland, OR | 1336315415 |
Holmes, Anne M | Lakewood Ranch, FL | 1043828007 |
Holmes, Erin Bryce | LCAT, BC-DMT | Brooklyn, NY | 1609452911 |
Holmes, Tiffany | Havertown, PA | 1134963937 |
Horning Rieder, Alice Suzanne | MA | Hotchkiss, CO | 1629244934 |
Huston, Tia | R-DMT, LCAT | Bronx, NY | 1598307308 |
Hyer Dynamic Health Discoveries (Hy-Dy Inc.) | Stockbridge, GA | 1639475460 |
Ingebretsen, Kaitlin Florence | MA | Richmond, VA | 1013651850 |
Inner Canvas Sp Pllc | Seattle, WA | 1679320071 |
Inner City Dance Club Of Miami Corporation | Miami, FL | 1538707252 |
Institute For Therapy Through The Arts | Evanston, IL | 1154708899 |
Integrating The Self Lcat, Pllc | Newburgh, NY | 1942979364 |
Iordanova, Elissaveta G | LCAT | New York, NY | 1265052807 |
Ismail, Mohamed Ladak | PTA | San Francisco, CA | 1992078547 |
Izzard, Keishay | E.D | Houston, TX | 1851701809 |
Jackson, Kellyn | LPC | Chicago, IL | 1073138194 |
Jackson, Patience | RELAXATION THERAPIST | Fort Worth, TX | 1679175921 |
James, Aaleyah Alexandria | LCAT | Bronx, NY | 1528808037 |
Jean, Shannon | LPC | Rahway, NJ | 1164034401 |
Jones, Laurie | LPC | Stone Mountain, GA | 1073107504 |
Jules, Melinda F | MA | Atlanta, GA | 1043888563 |
Kantrast Llc | Phoenix, AZ | 1043092109 |
Karpowicz, Karla | MA | Newburgh, NY | 1689065922 |
Kastner, Devorah | Chandler, AZ | 1366959298 |
Katz, Betsy Wilk | LMHC | Newburyport, MA | 1124502927 |
Kelly, Caitlin Nora | LCAT | New York, NY | 1235765397 |
Kent, Mary Ella | MA | Denver, CO | 1609467372 |
Kga Business Group Ny Inc | Astoria, NY | 1336903244 |
Khodl, Nada Anna | MA | New York, NY | 1447498860 |
Kidstuff Child And Family Counseling, P.C. | Greeley, CO | 1396374237 |
Kilper, Stephanie | LCPC | Chicago, IL | 1205582095 |
Kirane, Kendra | New York, NY | 1942709415 |
Kissel, Danielle | MA | Wallingford, PA | 1821743873 |
Klinginsmith, Jamie Dawn | Glendale, AZ | 1407337918 |
Kochan, Cateryna | BS, MS, R-DMT | New York, NY | 1912666066 |
Kushner, Rebecca | South Lake Tahoe, CA | 1538880315 |
Lafronza, Gianna | Brooklyn, NY | 1902262496 |
Lannon, Sarah | MS, R-DMT | San Leandro, CA | 1679034565 |
Las Cruces Doula, Llc | Las Cruces, NM | 1942961032 |
Lasting Impressions Center | Baldwin Park, CA | 1477140192 |
Lawson, Catherina Delgadillo | LPC | Friendswood, TX | 1265952196 |
Leib, Jodi Rachelle | MA | Troy, MI | 1639719321 |
Leow, Amy | MA | Evanston, IL | 1275205916 |
Lerman, Pamela F | LCAT, LMHC | Schenectady, NY | 1841347861 |
Lermsider, Rebecca | New York, NY | 1750049888 |
Lester, Nina | LMHC, R-DMT | Brockton, MA | 1629567847 |
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